Thursday, July 28, 2005

itchy to do a sweater

These are the flowers in and around the fence around the pool. sitting out and watching the kids swim, I get to enjoy this. Life is good!
I'm itchy to start a cardigan. I don't usually buy full price yarn for a sweater(or most stuff except maybe socks) but I may splurge because of the new yarn shop. I'm so excited to be able to see and feel yarn rather than virtual enjoyment! I really want to do a versatile cardi. I need one(or two or three). I haven't knit a cardi in three years and that was an oversized itchy faire isle. I want a real cardi.

Tuesday, July 26, 2005

coral socks finished

My coral socks are finished so I had to cast on for new ones for me. Lime green Sammy, if your readin' this. The lovely model is our wonderful Brittany Spaniel, Jack. My husband wanted to name him Jacques but I nixed it.
I should have finished the bluberry waving lace socks but I wanted some too and those are for my mil who recently got socks from me.
These socks are my own little pattern.
I'm finished with the recommened repeats on the flower basket but I will knit until I don't have yarn so I will get a few more repeats out of what I've got. Hope fully I'll have pics of a new yarn shop in town in a few days.
I'm about to expire from excitement a real yarn shop within 20 min of me. Unheard of!!!

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Tonight we stitch

We have our Michiana stitchers group meeting tonight. What a fun bunch of ladies. We meet once a month at a coffee shop. Gosh we have so much fun. Tonight I think I'll really get finishing the coral socks then I'll go back to my blueberry socks and finish them.
I have to admit that peacock feathers has not been fun for me so I'm putting it on hold until the fall and hopefully it will catch my attention.
I'm doing another flower basket shawl because it is so fun and easy and helps me with a lace fix.
I'm going to try to go back to the garden shawl which also lost my attention since I don't have time.
I have wound my laceweight that I dyed for the highly modified romance shawl and think I will start it next week. The romance shawl by Dorothy Seimens has hearts in a rosebud trellis then an arrow chart then a double edging. I'm going to do the whole thing in rosebud trellis ten modify the edging slightly.
The picture is of the laceweight still in skeins. It was so fun to dye!!! I'm also putting a pic of me and my hubby for Marcia;-) He's the one in the light blue plaidand my fil is next to him, I'm in the magenta and my mom is next to me, My mil and her mother are on the bench with my three kids. We went to the zoo, all four generations of us. Now how many people can say that!

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

promised pics

Okay what is with the sideways Temple? I was in such a hurry sorry. It is such a beautiful structure.
Okay I have two sock pics, the Lorna's laces one down one to go in purple(blueberry) and the coral fixation twin in my own pattern. Both for others. Unfortunately the broadripples that I finished are in Tucson.

Monday, July 18, 2005

long time no post!

I've been having computer difficulties as well as a vacation and major one week long company action. I hope you din't give up on me.
We went to the Baha'i Temple in Chicago. I love the peacefullness and I needed some spiritual sustenance as we are having serious health issues in our family.
Due to our busy days not much knitting has been going on. I will leave you with the promise of sock pics tomorrow.

The Spinning Wheel
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